Knowing how to collect on enforcement violations is crucial. But even more important is understanding the importance behind enforcing your HOA’s policies. Knowing this, or better yet – knowing how to communicate this to a disgruntled community member who is in...
Within the boundaries of the United States, the HOA is the homeowner association. It’s a private networked that was previously developed by a developer of real estate. The purpose of having homeowners associated was to market, manage and sell homes within a...
Whether you live in a condominium or planned community, you are almost certain to run into questions and issues over man’s best friend. Many associations often wonder what options they have in regulating dogs in the community. Can an Association regulate dogs in the...
Oftentimes, HOAs become conflicted when it comes to the requirements to amend CC&Rs. Sometimes CC&Rs set forth certain requirements that conflict with Arizona law. Without understanding the law, an HOA board may rely only on what is in the CC&Rs. This...
In Arizona, homeowner’s associations are entitled to foreclose on Owners who fail to pay the assessments owed to the Association. For both condominiums and planned communities in Arizona, an association has a lien against a Unit or property for assessments levied...