

HOAs and Parking: What You Need to Know

What is the policy regarding HOA parking liability in Arizona? Whether you’re a member of the association or a member of the board, it behooves you to know more about this common source of potential conflict. Because parking is such a crucial part of everyday life for...

Four Reasons to Choose Licensed and Bonded Contractors Over Handymen

Every HOA needs to be careful who they hire for general contractor work. While the expense of hiring licensed contractors may seem prohibitive, the risks of unlicensed handymen in Arizona are extensive and could incur costs that make the original savings not worth it....

Tips for Avoiding Damage Caused by Owner Misconduct

A popular question is what an Association can do if an Owner fails to properly maintain portions of his or her Unit – for example, failing to address water damage and other issues. Depending on the language of the association’s CC&Rs, it is possible that the cost...

HOAs and Security Risks

What are the security duties and responsibilities of homeowners associations in Arizona? Ensuring the safety of your residents and the premises is an important duty of any HOA, but it’s also important to define what, exactly, your responsibility is. You should also be...

An Overview of Tax Lien Laws in Arizona

It is important for Associations to understand how state tax liens affect your interests and what effect tax lien foreclosure has on your assessment lien. Here is a brief overview of how the Arizona property taxes operate: Taxes are due in October: The first half of...