
§10-2077 Dissolution

Title 10 – Corporations and Associations Chapter 19 – Not for Profit Corporations and associations, Cooperatives and Fraternal and Benevolent societies Article 2 – Electric Cooperative Nonprofit Membership Corporations A. A cooperative that has not...

Dan Francom

Dan Francom Dan moved to Arizona in 2011 to attend law school at Arizona State University. After graduation, Mr. Francom began his legal career representing clients in consumer financial matters related to the FCRA and the FDCPA. During that time, he also worked as a...

§33-1218 Limited common elements

Title 33 – Property Chapter 9 – Condominiums Article 2 – Creation, Alteration and Termination of Condominiums A. Except for the limited common elements described in section 33-1212, paragraphs 2 and 4, other than porches, balconies, patios and...

§33-1815 Association authority; commercial signage

Title 33 – Property Chapter 16 – Planned Communities Article 1 – General Provisions Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, after an association has approved a commercial sign, including its registered trademark that is located on...