
§38-33.3-317 Association records — rules.

Title 38 – Property – Real and Personal Article 33.3 – Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act Association records — rules. 38-33.3-317. Association records — rules. (Effective September 7, 2021)(1) In addition to any records specifically defined in...

Committees and Weed

In a recent email, I asked hundreds of professional community association managers to submit questions they have on which they need guidance. Here are two of those questions.   Does the Board Liaison to the Architectural Committee have to be present for the...

§10-11635 Certified copies received in evidence

Title 10 – Corporations and Associations Chapter 39 – Records and Reports-nonprofit Corporations Article 3 – Miscellaneous Provisions All copies of documents delivered to and filed by the commission in accordance with chapters 24 through 40 of this...

About Us

About Us At Goodman Law Group , we eat, breathe, and sleep HOA law.  Our only goal is to help associations (HOAs/Condos/Co-ops) solve their problems and navigate anything from the simple to complex. Contact us today for a consultation! Goodman Law Group gets client...

§38-33.3-217 Amendment of declaration

Title 38 – Property – Real and Personal Article 33.3 – Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act Amendment of declaration 38-33.3-217. Amendment of declaration(1) (a) (I) Except as otherwise provided in subparagraphs (II) and (III) of this paragraph...
HOA, Attorneys and Dogs

HOA, Attorneys and Dogs

Within the boundaries of the United States, the HOA is the homeowner association. It’s a private networked that was previously developed by a developer of real estate. The purpose of having homeowners associated was to market, manage and sell homes within a...