
HOAs and Security Risks

What are the security duties and responsibilities of homeowners associations in Arizona? Ensuring the safety of your residents and the premises is an important duty of any HOA, but it’s also important to define what, exactly, your responsibility is. You should also be...

§10-3860 Definitions

Title 10 – Corporations and Associations Chapter 31 – Directors and officers-nonprofit Corporations Article 6 – Director’s Conflicting interest Transactions In this article, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. "Conflicting...

§10-3852 Mandatory indemnification

Title 10 – Corporations and Associations Chapter 31 – Directors and officers-nonprofit Corporations Article 5 – Indemnification A. Unless limited by its articles of incorporation, a corporation shall indemnify a director who was the prevailing party,...

§10-3503 Resignation of statutory agent

Title 10 – Corporations and Associations Chapter 28 – Office and Agent-nonprofit Corporations Article 1 – Place of Business and Agent A. A statutory agent may resign its agency appointment by signing and delivering to the commission for filing the...

§10-3403 Registered name

Title 10 – Corporations and Associations Chapter 27 – Name-nonprofit Corporations Article 1 – General Provisions A. A foreign corporation may register its corporate name, or its corporate name with any change required by section 10-11506, if the name...

§10-3402 Reserved name

Title 10 – Corporations and Associations Chapter 27 – Name-nonprofit Corporations Article 1 – General Provisions A. A person may reserve the exclusive use of a corporate name, including a fictitious name to be adopted by a foreign corporation under...