
§10-11604 Court ordered inspection

Title 10 – Corporations and Associations Chapter 39 – Records and Reports-nonprofit Corporations Article 1 – Records A. If a corporation does not allow a member who complies with section 10-11602, subsection A to inspect and copy any records required...

§10-11634 Information disclosed by interrogatories

Title 10 – Corporations and Associations Chapter 39 – Records and Reports-nonprofit Corporations Article 3 – Miscellaneous Provisions Interrogatories propounded by the commission and the answers to the interrogatories shall not be open to public...

HOAs and Security Risks

What are the security duties and responsibilities of homeowners associations in Arizona? Ensuring the safety of your residents and the premises is an important duty of any HOA, but it’s also important to define what, exactly, your responsibility is. You should also be...

§10-2077 Dissolution

Title 10 – Corporations and Associations Chapter 19 – Not for Profit Corporations and associations, Cooperatives and Fraternal and Benevolent societies Article 2 – Electric Cooperative Nonprofit Membership Corporations A. A cooperative that has not...