
§33-1230 Merger or consolidation of condominiums

Title 33 – Property Chapter 9 – Condominiums Article 2 – Creation, Alteration and Termination of Condominiums A. Any two or more condominiums, by agreement of the unit owners as provided in subsection B, may be merged or consolidated into a single...

§38-33.3-107 Eminent domain

Title 7 – Corporations and Associations Article 122 – Incorporation Emergency bylaws 7-122-107. Emergency bylaws(1) Unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation, the board of directors may adopt bylaws to be effective only in an emergency as...

§33-1815 Association authority; commercial signage

Title 33 – Property Chapter 16 – Planned Communities Article 1 – General Provisions Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, after an association has approved a commercial sign, including its registered trademark that is located on...

§38-33.3-311 Tort and contract liability

Title 38 – Property – Real and Personal Article 33.3 – Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act Tort and contract liability 38-33.3-311. Tort and contract liability(1) Neither the association nor any unit owner except the declarant is liable for any...

§10-3854 Court ordered indemnification

Title 10 – Corporations and Associations Chapter 31 – Directors and officers-nonprofit Corporations Article 5 – Indemnification Unless a corporation’s articles of incorporation provide otherwise, a director of the corporation who is a party to...

§10-3708 Action by written ballot; online voting

Title 10 – Corporations and Associations Chapter 30 – Members’ Meetings and Voting-nonprofit Corporations Article 1 – Meetings and Action Without Meetings A. Unless prohibited or limited by the articles of incorporation or bylaws, any action...