
§7-128-111 Compensation of directors

Title 7 – Corporations and Associations Article 128 – Directors and Officers Compensation of directors Unless otherwise provided in the bylaws, the board of directors may authorize and fix the compensation of directors.

§7-128-206 Committees of the board

Title 7 – Corporations and Associations Article 127 – Members’ Meetings and Voting Action by single and multiple voting groups 7-127-206. Action by single and multiple voting groups(1) If articles 121 to 137 of this title or the bylaws provide for voting...

§38-33.3-205 Contents of declaration

Title 7 – Corporations and Associations Article 127 – Members’ Meetings and Voting Quorum and voting requirements for voting groups 7-127-205. Quorum and voting requirements for voting groups(1) Members entitled to vote as a separate voting group may take...

§10-3504 Service on corporation

Title 10 – Corporations and Associations Chapter 28 – Office and Agent-nonprofit Corporations Article 1 – Place of Business and Agent A. The statutory agent appointed by a corporation is an agent of the corporation on whom process, notice or demand...

§38-33.3-216 Easement rights

Title 38 – Property – Real and Personal Article 33.3 – Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act Easement rights 38-33.3-216. Easement rights(1) Subject to the provisions of the declaration, a declarant has an easement through the common elements as may...

§38-33.3-211 Alterations of units

Title 38 – Property – Real and Personal Article 33.3 – Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act Alterations of units (1) Subject to the provisions of the declaration and other provisions of law, a unit owner:(a) May make any improvements or alterations...

§33-1812 Proxies; absentee ballots; definition

Title 33 – Property Chapter 16 – Planned Communities Article 1 – General Provisions A. Notwithstanding any provision in the community documents, after termination of the period of declarant control, votes allocated to a unit may not be cast pursuant...

§38-33.3-208 Limited common elements

Title 7 – Corporations and Associations Article 127 – Members’ Meetings and Voting Voting for directors – cumulative voting 7-127-208. Voting for directors – cumulative voting(1) If the bylaws provide for cumulative voting for directors by the...

§10-3812 Compensation of directors

Title 10 – Corporations and Associations Chapter 31 – Directors and officers-nonprofit Corporations Article 1 – Board of Directors Unless the articles of incorporation or bylaws provide otherwise, the board of directors may fix the compensation of...

§7-128-205 Quorum and voting

Title 7 – Corporations and Associations Article 127 – Members’ Meetings and Voting Quorum and voting requirements for voting groups 7-127-205. Quorum and voting requirements for voting groups(1) Members entitled to vote as a separate voting group may take...